

Balancing Purpose and Profit: The Necessary Paradigm for the Conscious Entrepreneur

Hello, I'm Erin
"The Six Sides of Success" is a newsletter that leverages the symbolism of the hexagon to help entrepreneurs balance purpose and profit across all facets of their journey. You can learn more about me here.
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In today’s world, running a business isn’t just about the bottom line anymore. Sure, profit is important, but more and more of us are waking up to the fact that how we make money matters just as much as making it. The real game is balancing purpose with profit—and it’s giving “building a legacy” a whole new meaning.

Gone are the days when businesses could focus on profit without asking, “But what’s the impact?” Consumers now have their eyes wide open, choosing brands that align with their values, care about people, and give back. If you’re not walking the walk, they’ll move on. It’s that simple.

Balancing purpose and profit isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s how you win in today’s marketplace. When you bring your purpose front and center, you build trust with your customers, create an authentic brand, and set yourself up for long-term success. Profit fuels that purpose, letting you grow, expand, and keep making an impact. It’s a win-win.

Balance, Justice, Scales, Scale
  1. Know Your Why: What’s the “why” behind your business? What’s the change you’re trying to make? Once you’re clear on that, let it guide everything you do. Your core values are your business’ North Star.
  2. Align with Intent: Make sure your strategy reflects that purpose. Whether it’s offering eco-friendly products, supporting social causes, or using ethical sourcing, customers can spot realness from a mile away. Very demure, very mindful.
  3. Track Your Impact (Not Just Your Bank Account): Don’t just focus on revenue. How are you helping people? What’s the social or environmental good you’re driving? Let your audience in on how their dollars are making a difference. #Receipts
  4. Invest in the Collective: Collaborate with like-minded businesses, support community initiatives, or donate a percentage of profits to causes that vibe with your mission. Not only will this help the community, but it shows that your business is about more than just dollars.
  5. Be Real, Be Transparent: Show your community the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Authenticity is currency, and being open about your journey will build that “I trust you” energy with your customers.

Balancing purpose and profit can seem like a tall order, but businesses that do it are thriving. Brands that focus on purpose have stronger customer loyalty, happier teams, and bounce back quicker during tough times. When purpose leads, profit follows—it’s that simple.

We’re flipping the script on what business success looks like, and it’s time for all of us to get on board. Balancing purpose and profit isn’t just a trend—it’s the future. And the world? It’s paying attention.

Let’s make a difference, build businesses that matter, and show the world that doing good is good for business.

Erin White
Founder & CEO, Hexagon Strategy Group
Helping Entrepreneurs Do Well by Doing Good

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I'm Erin — a business strategy coach who believes a clear strategy not only makes your life easier it makes you more money.

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